Tom Atwood

Professional Bio

Tom has a passion for technology, with decades implementing various technology solutions and holds numerous industry certifications. He currently works for a FinTech startup focused on providing verifiably accurate financial information extracted from complex blockchain transactions supporting the growth of digital finance.

Personal Highlights

Tom enjoys numerous outdoor activities and takes pleasure in travel, reading, art and cooking. He feels it is important to give back to the community and has long-standing ties with several non-profits.

Passionate about Art & Art History, he has worked in various mediums: photography, printmaking (etching), drawing, bronze casting and oil/acrylic painting. His personal art collection has a focus on self-taught artists and he wrote his M.A. thesis on William Edmondson.

Master’s in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship/International Business Tracks, University of Colorado-Denver

Corporate Finance Certificate, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

Master of Arts in Art History, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Bachelor of Arts in Art, Art History, German and Minor in Asian Studies, Saint Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota.

Certificate of German Language Fluency, Paderborn University, Germany